About TomTom
TomTom Navigation for Automotive is the leading in-dash navigation system for OEMs. It delivers a high-quality end-user experience and can be implemented across a broad range of brands, car lines and regions. Cloud native, TomTom Navigation for Automotive takes advantage of hyper-fast routing, search and fresh maps. When no data connection is available, the solution switches to its onboard software for maximum reliability.
More car brands around the world are equipped with TomTom navigation software than any other. That’s why we understand your challenges and constraints better than anyone. Developed for automotive developers, TomTom Navigation for Automotive has already been integrated with in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems from leading Tier 1s.
My Role
I have worked on multiple products/project. Currently I am leading route planning domain for TomTom NextGen navigation products. My responsibility is to translate complex navigation problems into safe and delightful experience.
I work closely with Product Owners to define the product strategy within roadmap and to maintain product backlog for navigation products. We collaborate with research and safety teams for early validation of our concepts.
My team sets a good example of “empowered team” by enhancing discovery process, improving way of working and collaboration with stakeholders and clients.
For more information please visit the TomTom website
Case studies can be presented on request.